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. production system design of a multi-tasking . manner of adjusting the number of workers according to the situation,. in the simulation, the number of workers is set to six according to.I’ve heard of many such events, but I’ve never been to one. I’ve not heard of any, even by “name.” I know it’s pretty unusual, in fact. But I’ve also noticed that there’s a lot of “by-name” in the Northwest. There’s relatively less by-region, or so it seems to me. I’m in southeast Washington, by the way, where they say that “more is more.” Shoot, now I’m really going to start a debate. The mountains to the west, not so much.Q: CoreData: Copying object with same id as its original I'm wondering if CoreData supports copying an object from one context to another. The documentation states: After the FetchRequest for the Person is created, it is returned to the caller, the context makes the fetch request, and the result set is returned. After the fetch completes, you can make a second fetch request with the same FetchRequest, except that you must pass nil for the managedObjectContext parameter. The second request will contain the objects fetched in the first request. So, it seems to imply that a CoreData object should be copied when sending it to a different context, but what if the same id is used? The fetch request will fail, right? I'm wondering if this is just an oversight in the documentation, or if this is not supported. A: The documentation is a bit confusing. I would say that it is not recommended to use the same ID for two entities, even if they are the same entity. Instead, use a new ID for the new context. Otherwise, the documentation does seem correct. I would recommend to check if the fetch request really fails (i.e. if you get an exception instead of a result). If you do, it would be good to post the code that shows this problem. English Hello! I love to help you! My name is Anna Gorodetskaya and I work in the field of foreign languages. I live in Penza, Russia be359ba680

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